Monday, April 27, 2009

Nina & Me! Ninaちゃんと私♪

Look, we are almost the same size though she is only 5 months old! I'm 10 months old!
Love, Brigitte


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dylan's B-day party!

Happy Birthday Dylan! I wish I was able to dress up as a princess, but too small!! Love, Brigitte

Monday, April 20, 2009

Playtime with Nana! 奈々とプレイタイム♪

The last day in Japan- went to the playhouse in the mall with Nana & Ya-tan! I had so much fun even forgetting about my nap hour!! Love, Brigitte

Friday, April 17, 2009

Standing?!  たっち??

Guess what? I let my hand go and stand for about 10 seconds!! Ya-tan was so amazed and screaming whole time! I`m now 9.5 months old.
I`m about 65 cm and 7.4 kg. Love, Brigitte

Monday, April 13, 2009

ママのお友達と♪ With Mama`s friends!

Met with mama`s friends whom she studied English with. They were all so nice!!

Love, Brigitte

ママが学生のとき一緒に英語のお勉強していたお友達と会ったよー。 みんなとっても優しかったよお。ブリジット

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

At the Local Park! 近所の公園で!

Walked to the local park and enjoyed sun & cherry bloosom! Love, Brigitte


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tennoji Zoo! 天王寺動物園♪

Yeah! Went to Tennoji Zoo and got to see many annimals! I was happy to sit on the stroller and enjoying the view (cherry bloosom) on the way to the Zoo, too!! Love, Brigitte


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Playing alone right next to Miyu! 未愉のとなりで一人遊び!

Enjoying Spring!! お花見♪

It`s the begining of spring- Cherry bloosom is gorgeous! They are still not fully bloomed yet, but we enjoyed playing/eating under them!! Love, Brigitte

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bath time with O-pa & Miyu! オーパと未愉ちゃんとお風呂♪

It was so cool to take a bath with both O-pa & Miyu-chan! Love, Brigitte

With Fumi-chan! 芙未ちゃんと♪


Met with mama`s best friend, Fumi-chan! It was fun playing at the playroom at the bread & bakery cafe! Love, Brigitte

Friday, April 3, 2009

At Mama`s Friends! ママのお友達のお家で♪

Visited Mama`s friends place! It was fun playing with olderkids! Love, Brigitte
ママのお友達の家で遊んだの。おおきなおねーちゃん達に遊んでもらったの。 ブリジット

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bye x2 Papa! バイバイ、パパ!

Since Papa has to go back to work, sadly he had to leave first. See you soon! Love Brigitte


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Gorgeous Cherry Bloosom!! 最高に綺麗な桜♪ 

Wow! We were in the right place at the right time! Though they were not fully broomed, they were gorgeous! Love, Brigitte

First & last time! 最初で最後。。。

I was able to meet ba-ba(great grandma)! She looked happy & healthy and was able to spent a great time. However... no one imagained that this was our last time to talk to her.... She went to the heaven just 6 days after on April 7. I`m so happy that we were able to take great photoes with bright smile! Love, Brigitte
初めてばーば(ひいおばあちゃん)に会ったよ。とっても元気そうで楽しい時を過ごせたの。。。でもまさかこれが最初で最後とはわかんないぐらいばーばよく笑ってたの。実は、この6日後の7日天国へと行かれてしまいました。。。最高の笑顔で良い写真撮れてよかった。ありがとう、ばーば。 ブリジット