Friday, May 31, 2013
A picture of Amanda! アマンダの似顔絵☆
We were drawing Amanda while she gets here to surprise her! (Look at the picture on a computer! Amanda & I 4 years ago!) I'm glad that she loves our drawings! We had such a fun time together! Thanks for coming, Amanda! Love, Brigitte
Monday, May 27, 2013
Crystal Cave Tour! クリスタルケイブ(洞窟)ツアー!

Sunday, May 26, 2013
Sun set power! 元気が出る夕日☆
Though I felt asleep in the car on our way to this beautiful sunset spot called Sentinel Bridge, I woke up slowly and became wild again! I was happy after little warm up granted I was so tired from walking around & go different places from 8 o'clock in the morning till 8 o'clock at night without any long nap! ( I felt asleep only about 20 minutes!). I'm gonna sleep well tonight! Love, Brigitte
The great hiking to the Tokopah Falls! トコパ滝への最高のハイキング!
This was a looooong ( 1.7 miles ), but best hiking and the best spot out of all the places we visited this weekend! I was so thrilled to see many wild animals! We saw bears, marmota and beaver! Since the river was so clear and clean, we saw water strider that was so exciting, too! Love, Brigitte
The biggest tree in the world! 世界一大きい木☆
We went to meet "General Sherman" that is the biggest tree in the world!! I hugged his name tag:) There were so many big trees everywhere and the air was so fresh! Love, Brigitte
Sequoia National Park! セコイア国立公園☆
Here we are at Sequoia National Park for our weekend trip! Yes, I'm so brave and do what everyone else do! Initially, only Miyu was gonna climb up to this big Tunnel Rock, but I started crying 'cz I wanted to try, too! Sure enough Miyu was so scared on the top, but I had a big smile on me! I had no problem to do the first easy hike up to Moro rock! The scenery was spectacular!! Love, Brigitte
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Rinku's 5th B-day party! りんくの5歳のお誕生日会☆
Happy Birthday, Rinku!! Though this was a boys only party, few of us were invited as an exception! I felt so special!! The pool party was awesome! Love, Brigitte
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Fun Sleep Over with Mika! みかちゃんと楽しいお泊り会♪
It was so cool to have Mika over this weekend! It was her first sleep over ever, but she did so well:) I'm so glad to spend fun time with Mika outside of the school! Love, Brigitte
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Strawberry Picking On mother's day! ママの日にイチゴ狩り☆
We went to Tanaka Farms for strawberry picking today! It was fun to try all kind of organic vegetables and of course Strawberries! We let mama relax after we came back home and papa made yummy steak dinner for us! Mama really loves the key chain I made for her!! Love, Brigitte
Thursday, May 9, 2013
White Clovers! シロツメクサ。
Mama and I went to the park together! Mama made a bracelet with white clovers for me! So beautiful!! We tried to look for the four leaf clover, but couldn't find any today. Oh guess what this flower means? It means "Think of me" and "Promise". So romantic! Love, Brigitte
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