Sunday, March 29, 2015
Cherry Blossom at Leke Balboa! バルボアレイクでお花見☆
We came little too late this year? We still enjoyed fun day by the lake, but somewhat cherry blossom wasn't as pretty as last year. Love, Brigitte
ちょっと時期が遅かったのかな。。。? きれいな湖を見ながら遊んだりお花見したり楽しかったけど、桜が去年に比べるとさみしかったかも。。。ブリジット
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Ketty Perry Concert with Sky! スカイとケイリーペリーのコンサート☆
Singing & dancing all night at Tomiko's house!! Yes, there was a Ketty Perry Concert on epic tonight! What was better, Sky came to my house for sleepover after that, too!! Love, Brigitte
Friday, March 27, 2015
Fun night with FInley! フィンリーと楽しい夜♪
Since Miyu & Avery went out to the Nickelodeon Kids Awards Party, we got to hang out all night long!! We had such a great time!! Love, Brigitte
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Miyu with my Science Project! 未愉ちゃんと私の自由研究☆
Since I wasn't back from the trip, Miyu went school to pick up my science project for me! Thank you Miyu!! Love, Brigitte
June Lake! ジューンレイク☆
We stop by June Lake on our way home! It was very cold... and couldn't swim...:( We got home safely at midnight! Thanks to Kanae's family, I had a great trip! Love, Brigitte
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Skiing! スキー☆
We enjoyed skiing all day today! We went all the way up to the top of the mountain! Yeah!! Love, Brigitte
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
The trip to Lake Tahoe! レイクタホ旅行☆
Hello from Lake Tahoe! Kanae's family included me to go on a big trip to Lake Tahoe! We decided not to skiing today and enjoyed the lake! It was beautiful!! Love, Brigitte
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Thank you everyone! みんなありがとう!
Thank you everyone! I was happy that Miyu was able to come as Asahi was in spring break. Mika & Sarah that graduated last year came here for Sophie & I too! Thank you Mai sensei for everything!! Love, Brigitte
Performance time! 発表の時間☆
It was fun to do the play, sing a song, dance and present what was the best memory at school and what is my dream! I had so much fun. Love, Brigitte
Suika Saturday class Graduation! すいか幼稚園土曜日校の卒園式♪
I was so proud to go up on the stage and receive a diploma!! From April, I'll go to the elementary school that Miyu attends as a first grader! Love, Brigitte
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Sky's 7th birthday! 今日はスカイ君の7歳のお誕生日☆
Happy Birthday Sky! Today was his 7th birthday and wanted to say "Happy Birthday"! I got him a Lakers Hat since he plays baseball & basketball. I'm glad that he likes it! Love, Brigitte
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Hinamatsuri Party at Zela's! ゼラちゃん宅でおひな祭りパーテイー☆
Thanks to Zella's mom for throwing such a fun party! We got to eat yummy sushi and played so much! Boy, it was hot day and we started playing with hose and my yukata got soaking wet in the end...hehehe. Love, Brigitte
ゼラちゃんのおかあさんがすっごく楽しいひな祭りパーティを開いてくれたの。おいしいお寿司を食べていっぱい遊んでたのしかった。今日はとっても暑かったからホースーを使って水で遊んでるうちに浴衣がびっしょびじょのはめに。。。(笑)。 ブリジット
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Seleepover at Ashley's! アッシュリーのおうちにお泊り♪
Went Ashley's for sleepover!! Yes, though she is much taller, she and I are the same grade:) It was nice to pack the same lunch and go to the school together, too! Love, Brigitte
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Everyone is wearing stripe shirt? みんなストライプの服?
What a coincident! Not that we coordinated together, three of us are all wearing black & white stripe shirt to school today! We had fun playdate, and get to take a bath & eat diner!! Let's have a after school playdate again soon! Love, Brigitte
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Girl's day! おひな祭り☆
Yes, mommy made such a cute Hinamatsuri sushi for us. Not only the looks, but also the taste was great!! So yummy!! Oh, we lit a candle that I made, too! Love, Brigitte
Monday, March 2, 2015
My first figure ice skating lesson! 初めてのフィギュアスケートのレッスン☆
Yes, today was my first lesson along with Ashley and her sister, Isabella! This was the first time I actually asked mom for it and really wanted to do. I know that I'll do good! Love, Brigitte
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Beautiful snow! 綺麗な雪☆
Wasn't it beautiful! It was snowing all day long and papa's car was filled with snow in the afternoon! We went along with Misaki & Kanae's families! We had such a wonderful time again! Love, Brigitte
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