Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ji-Ji & Ba-Ba!!! じーじとばーば♪

Yeah~~! Came to Ji-ji & Ba-ba's house today:) They are always so good to us, so I was all over them right away! I'll come see you again soon!! Love, Brigitte


Monday, March 28, 2011

Waiting for the next flight to Japan! 日本行きの飛行機への乗り換え☆

The flight from LA->San Francisco was so quick and easy! Now, we are waiting for the looooong flight to Japan ( 12 hours!!) Wish us a luck!! Love, Brigitte ロスからサンフランシスコへの飛行機は短かったし、楽勝だったの。今は、日本までのなが~い(12時間)の飛行機に乗るのを待っているところ。スムーズに行くように祈っていてね。ブリジット

Sunday, March 27, 2011

No Fear!! 怖いもの知らずの私★

Surprisingly, I got on speedy roller coaster with smile on my face!! Miyu was scared and couldn't get on first, but I was loving it and asking for more!! Maybe got on 5 times!! Finally, Miyu got on the last one with us:) Love, Brigitte


Fun Kids Amusement Park! 楽しい小さい子供用遊園地☆

Papa took us to a fun kids amusment park called 'Adventure City'. Since this park was for kids, we were able to enjoy every rides and activities!! Time flied quickly as we had so much fun!!! Love, Brigitte


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sports Day at Suika! スイカの運動会★

We had a sports event at Suika today! We run, dance, and did daddy&me sports. Though it rained a bit, we made it through!!! Love, Brigitte


Friday, March 25, 2011

Rinku mama's party! りんくママのお誕生日会★

Happy 'early' Birthday, Rinku mama:) We planned a surprised b-day party for Rinku's mama and it was successful! Love, Brigitte



Friday, March 18, 2011

New photo for mama's phone! 新しい携帯の待ちうけ画面!

Miyu & I made a cute pose for mama! Mama loves this photo so much and became her new screen shot for her cell phone! Love, Brigitte


100% confident! もう完璧! 

Yes!! I'm 100% confident now! I made it all the way to the top once again with Miyu today! YMCA told me that I'm the youngest one made it to the top ever!!! Love, Brigitte

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wow, already?? えっ、もう??

Wow, already?? Papa, mama & Miyu happened to be here tonight to see me climb all the way to the top all by myself for the first time ever!!! Yes, I did it after only 2 months practice!! They were so proud of me. Mama said sorry for the poor picture. She couldn't believe and wasn't prepare!!!Love, Brigitte

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Truc's baby shower! トウルップのベイビーパーテイ★

Happy Baby Shower!! We had a great shower for Truc! Of course, we ( kids) all loved the "present time" the best! It is funny how we all got excited though they weren't for us. Love, Brigitte

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Nice & Warm!! あったか~~~い★

It is pretty cold here in Fresno, so we were so excited to take a warm bath! Hmmmh, so nice & warm!!
Love, Brigitte


Thursday, March 10, 2011

3D Princess Puzzle! 3Dのプリンセスパズル★

We got a new 3D princess Puzzle today and trying to work on it with Miyu! Miyu did most of them, but I tried some, too!! Since it's 3D, the picture looks like moving! Love, Brigitte

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Touching snake with both hands!! 両手でへびさんタッチ!

Since we had so much fun to meet the "wild animals" on Wed, we came back to school again!!
Guess what? I was the first one to come up to touch this biiiiig snake!! Mama was so scared of it and didn't touch at all. I had no fear! Love, Brigitte

Friday, March 4, 2011

Rock Climing with Miyu!未愉ちゃんとロッククライミング。

Miyu and I did rock climbing together today. It is so easy for her to climb up, but not for me.... I'm still learning.... Since I couldn't catch up with her and go all the way to the top, Mr. Matt helped me to ceat!! He pulled me up again!!! Thanks! By the way, we were on "Climber of the month" since we come here to practice a lot!! Love, Brigitte
今日は、未愉ちゃんと一緒にロッククライミングしたんだよ★ 未愉ちゃんはスーイスイっと上まで登って行くけど、私は。。。追いつけないし、上までまだ上がれないからマット先生がまたロープをぐいぐい引っ張って上まで上げてくれたの。ありがとうね。そうそう、私達頑張ってるから”今月の頑張って登ったお友達”の掲示板に載ったんだあ~~。ブリジット

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Girl's day!! 雛祭り★

It's a grils's day!! Mama add octopus, shrimp, conger eel and flower shaped lotus root in our plate and we all enjoyed cute sushi doll dinner! Yummy! By the way, I made this folding fan at school, too. Love, Brigitte
今日は楽しい雛祭り~~♪ 出来上がったかわいいお寿司にたこさん、えびさん、アナゴさん、そしてお花の形をした蓮根も飾ってみんなでニコニコ食べました~~。う~~ん、おいしいっ!

Making Emperor & Empress's sushi! 雛寿司に挑戦!

1) Using a little cup, filled sushi rice, then egg & seaweed. Covered with sushi rice and fliped over! 小さいプリン容器に寿司ご飯、入り卵と海苔、そしてまたご飯の順番に詰めてギュとおしてからひっくり返します。

2)Using quail eggs & seaweed, make emperor and empress face.  鶉卵と海苔でお内裏様とお雛様のお顔を作ります。

3) Using toothpicks, add faces on their bodies and decorate with cooked & shaped vegitables to make them colorful!!
4)Done! Ready to serve!

Our flowers from Farmer's market! ファーマーズマーケットでもらった私達のお花!

Flower guy always allow kids to take one flower home. When we came home, they were looking down ( 'cz of the heat), but they both became tall & beautiful when mama put them into iced water!! So pretty! Love, Brigitte


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wild Annimal Visit!! 野生動物体験★

There was a wild animal show at my school. I got to see & touch many differnt wild animals such as chinchilla, bunny, snake and alligator! I touched most of them, but got scared with some of them and hold on to my favorite teacher, Ms Yama. Look, comfortable I am with her! I love her so much:) Love, Brigitte

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lady Bug!! てんとう虫☆

I looooove lady bug! I always play with a lady bug magnet, stuffed animal.....etc. at home.
I was so excited to see the real one!!! Though it is hard, but I can say "lady bug" in Japanese well. Love, Brigitte
