Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve...!  大晦日の夜♪

In the begining, I went to bed at my normal bed time ( 8 pm) no matter how loud around me. But, I got waken up by Miyu and her friends right before 12 Midnight. So.. I was able to wish "Happy New Year!!" with everyone and right back to sleep...! Love, Birigitte

I love Auntie Jenny! Jennyおばちゃんだーいすき☆

Thanks for come visit me again! It was great seeing you twice this month though she lives far away! Love, Brigitte


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Laundry with Mama?!  ママとお洗濯?

Morning! I'm about to go do laundry with mama!
Love, Brigitte


Monday, December 29, 2008

To get to Damian! Damianの所まで!

I was trying to crawl to get to Damian! I can move closer by rolling over for many times:)
Love, Brigitte


Friday, December 26, 2008

At The Larios Family!

Of course, I got to spent quality time with the Larios Family!
Love, Brititte


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Santa Babies!! サンタべービーズ♪

Check us out! We are all wearing santa outfits!! Visited Fresno and spent a fun weekend with papa's family!! Love, Brigitte
見てみてー、みんなサンタさんのお洋服着てるの!フレスノのパパの家族&いとことクリスマスを愉しくすごしたんだよー☆ ブリジット

My first Christmas! 初めてのクリスマス♪

Merry Christmas! This is my first christmas and absolutely love it!! Lots of presnets!! Love, Brigitte


Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Party! クリスマスパーテイ☆

Went to Christmas party at Avery's house. I got to paly with Vaughn a lot! Love, Biritte

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My 1st Disneyland! 初めてのデズニーランド♪

Yeah! I got to go to the Disneyland for the first time! I think that I get hooked just like Miyu!
Love, Brigitte

With Charactors! マスコットと写真★

I even got to take few shots with charactors and princesses! Love, Birigtte

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Photo Shoot! クリスマス写真★

Using the timer, we tried so many times to capture few good ones... but someone is not looking to the camera, I couldn't sit still....etc. Took soooooooooooo much! Love, Brigitte
タイマーを使って家族写真いっぱい撮ったんだけど誰かがカメラ見てなかったり私がジット座ってられず倒れていったり。。。とにかくいっぱい撮ったよ。。。 ブリジット

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Can't stay still!! じっとできない私♪

I wish that Ican crawl! As soon as mama put me down, I would roll over and eager to move!
Love, Brigitte

Monday, December 8, 2008

We're Papa's girls! パパっ子!

Both Miyu & I looooooooooooove papa! Papa takes great care of us and he is the greatest father in the world! Love, Biritte
未愉ちゃんも私もパパだいすき♪ パパは本当に優しいし世界で一番すてきなお父さんでーす! ブリジット

Love standing! 立ってるのだいすきっ♪

I just love to stand... don't care much to sit up... always standing with someone's support or in the exersaucer! By the way, I even watch TV standing in here too!
Love, Brigitte

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Miyu's b-day Party!  未愉ちゃんのお誕生日会★

I had a great time at Miyu's b-day party, too!
Love, Brigitte

Thursday, December 4, 2008

W Jogger! ダブルジョガー♪

I sat (slept) on the jogger dirrectly facing forward for the first time! ( Mama used to put me there with car seat ) I enjoyed the view first and then felt asleep! Love, Brigitte