Monday, May 29, 2017

Good bye Campground! キャンプ場にさようなら~!

It was fun, but ready to go home~~! We'll be back her next May! Love, Brigitte


Sunday, May 28, 2017

Great hike! ハイキング☆彡

As always, we did well on hiking to the beautiful water fountain! It was nice to get to play Sophia's doggy, too! Finley and I had own relaxed evening together! Love, Brigitte


Fresh Morning! 清々しい朝♪

Good Morning! Waking up early at camp ground is always so refresh! It was pretty cold though! We're gonna have a great day! Love, Brigitte


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Camping with Finley & Sophia! フィンリー&ソフィアちゃん達とキャンプ!

Yay! After Asahi, we caught up with Finley & Sophia at the camp ground! We'll have another fun adventure together! Love, Brigitte


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Too many love & flowers!! たくさんの応援と花束💐

Thanks to my coach, my family and friends support, I was able to enjoy performing my solo!! Love, Brigitte


Hero by Name Amuro! 安室ちゃんのヒーローで滑ったよ♫

I picked the best song for my recital! Though I felt down once, I complete my performance with a big smile! Love, Brigitte


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Spending the last day next to Baba! 最後の日は、ばあばの側で❤️

Since Jiji had to leave all morning for his yearly check ups, we got to stay at his house to protect baba.  We felt like she is still there. We can totally hear her sweet voices. We were so happy to spend the last day near by her.  Love, Brigitte


Saturday, May 6, 2017

Baba, I'll love you forever! ばあば、ずっと、ずーっとだいすきだよ。


Sadly, Baba has to move up to the heaven.... But, thanks to her, we were able to fly to Japan to get to meet the family and support grandpa when he is having the hardest time in his life. Thank you so much baba for your unconditional love to me and will love her forever!!! Love, Brigitte
