Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy B-day Big Mama! ハッピーバースデー、大きなママさん★

Happy B-day, Big Mama!! Well, that was not what I said, but it shown on the cake:):) Yes, mama's friend, Junko will have her first baby in April!! We went over her place to celebrate her b-day and had a blast! Love, Brigitte


Monday, February 20, 2012

Tyler's B-day party! タイラーのお誕生日会★

Happy Birthday Tyler! We had a blast at Tyler's 5th b-day party at Valley Park. We had a fun soccer class taught by Tyler's instructor. We played at the park and ate yummy lunch, too! Love, Brigitte


Friday, February 17, 2012

Sushi Party with Yui! ゆいちゃんと手巻きパーティ☆

We had a "sushi party" together with Yui tonight! We ate some first, and came back for 2nd and 3rd after playing so much!!! As always, we were so happy to spend time together! Love, Brigitte


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Too wild at Souplantaion?! レストランではしゃぎすぎ?!

I was so lucky to hang out with Rinku this morning and went out for lunch together!! Oh boy, we got little too wild and run around the restaurant too much. Sorry, but we just had too much fun! Love, Brigitte


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day! ハッピーバレンタインデー☆

Happy Valentine's day! It was so nice to get to go out for dinner as a family! Though the dinner at this new French Restaurant was okay, the desert mom prepared for us and gummy candies papa parepared for me were soooo good:):) Love, Brigitte

ハッピーバレンタインデー☆ 家族みんなでレストランに行けてうれしかったああ。この新しいフランス料理レストランはイマイチだったけど、ママが作ってくれたデザート、パパが買ってくれたグミキャンデーはおいしかったあ。ブリジット

Monday, February 13, 2012

Found a new favorite place!! 楽しい場所みーつけた!

We always enjoy going Mc'donald for fun lunch & playdate. Now, we found another place just like MC! We went to Chick Fil A just a block from my house and a blast!! We were so happy to get surprised ice cream when we didn't like kids meal toy. The staffs were super nice! I had so much fun with Rinkun, Sana chan, Yui chan and Miyu with her friends! Love, Brigitte


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fun at Sakura's! さくらちゃん宅でワイワイ☆

Our monthly get together for this month was at Sakura's! As always, we all had a blast and enjoy meals:) Tonight's dinner for us was shrimp gratin, croquette and some broccoli. As for desert, we enjoy strawberries covered with chocolate!! Love, Brigitte


Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentines Party! バレンタインパーテイ☆

We went to Lee's Valentines party this afternoon! Miyu and her friends were up on the roof of toy house and I wanted to join!! All of them are so nice to hold me:) Love, Brigitte


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Mika, Misaki, Zera & Yoshihiko's b-day party! みか、みさき、ゼラちゃん&よしひこ君のお誕生日会★

I had a blast at my classmates(Mika, Misaki, Zera & Yoshihiko)'s birthday party tonight. It was at ballet studio and also we got to wear our favorite costume! I loved being Ariel and get to dance all night!! Love, Brigitte


Keira&Cameron's combo party! キーラ&キャメロンの合同パーテイ★

Today was a big combo birthday party for both Keira & Cameron!! Thank you so much for including me, also!! I had a blast with big kids!! Love, Brigitte


Friday, February 3, 2012

Demon Out, Luck In! 鬼は外、福は内!

I got to do this again at home tonight. I was throwing out although when I was shouting "Luck in!":) After Mamemaki, I got to eat 4 ( 3 years old plus extra luck!)! Love, Brigitte

お家でもまたまた豆まきしたんだあ。最初はちゃんと投げれてたんだけど、途中から福は内といいながらお外になげたりめちゃくちゃだったんだ。。。 豆まき後4つ(3歳+ラッキー度1アップさせて)たべました。ブリジット

Wow.. whole Sushi! わあ、大きい太巻き!!

To make our wishes come true, we need to face to the lucky direction (North North West this year) and eat whole Eho roll with our eyes & mouth closed entire time. I did try hard, but the half was the most I could finish!! It was delicious!! Love, Brigitte


Bean Throwing Celemony! 幼稚園で豆まき会★

There was "Bean Throwing Celemony" at my school. Two teachers dressed up as demons and we threw beans at them so they can be back to the kind demons!! I had a great time:) Love, Brigitte


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Love Drawing! お絵かきだーいすき★

Just like Miyu, I loooooove drawing, and my favorite things to do on my free time!! I draw at kids club at Y, at school, at friend house and of course at home!! I've learned to write "B" for Brigitte too! Love, Brigitte

未愉ちゃんと一緒でお絵かきだーいすき★ 暇さえあればお絵かきしてるんだあ。ジムのキッズクラブで、幼稚園で、お友達の家で、そしてまたお家に帰ってお絵かき!!ブリジットの「B」って書けるようになったんだよお。ブリジット