Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Santa Brig! サンタ★ブリジー!

Santa Brig. is here!! We had a family photo together for our christmas card. It took us for a while as everyone was not smiling at the same time....!! Love, Brigitte

Pealing my own tangerine! おみかんむけるよ!

Hehehe.. I can peal my own tangerine!! It tasted twice better after a hard work(?)!! Love, Brigitte

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas Tree! クリスマスツリー★

Wow! It's a big tree for us:) So much taller than me!! I was fun helping to decorate the tree!
Love, Brigitte

Happy b-day, Vaughn! Vaughn,お誕生日おめでとう!

Happy Birthday Vaughn! This park had lots of trees that I can climb and had so much fun!! As always, I love swing so was on for a long time. Thanks to you grandma! She was pushing me for a long time!! Love, Brigitte


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving! 感謝祭。

Happy Thanksgiving! We ate lots of good food that our moms cooked for us!! We played and ate, then played and ate again all day long!! Of course, I ate turkey too! Love, Brigitte
ハッピーサンクスギビング!一日中いっぱい遊んでいっぱい食べたよー。ママたちがおいしい食べ物いっぱい作ってくれたんだあ。もちろん七面鳥もたべたよーー★ ブリジット

Friday, November 19, 2010

Congrats, Miyu! 未愉ちゃん、おめでとう!

Congratulations, Miyu and Peyton!!
They did great dance on the stage. I was so into all the performances and enjoyed watching them. ( Although I wanna be up there dancing too!!)
I gave Miyu a flower with candy! Love, Brigitte

Monday, November 15, 2010

Photo Shots during lunch time! ランチタイムにパッシッ!

I'm eating lunch after school. I'm enjoying my favorite raisin bread! Don't know why, but my teacher tied my hair on the back today. ( probably it was because she missed me with long bangs tied up like used to be) Love, Brigitte


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nina is 2 years old too! Ninaも2歳!

Happy B-day Nina!! She is 2 years old too!! We had fun dancing & singing at her party! I loved cup cake too!!! Yummy! Love, Brigitte
P.S. Check out my new hair style with bangs!
P.S. 見てー、私の髪型。前髪切ったの。

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Naomi's Wedding! Naomiの結婚式。

Today was Naomi's wedding! She was absolutely gorgeous! I had a great time at the reception ( lots of dancing!), too! Love, Brigitte

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm a flower girl!! フラワーガール☆

For the first time, I became a flower girl at my uncle - Hamilton's wedding!! I wasn't really happy to get ready to walk on the aisle with Miyu as I was hungry, but "egg roll" made me really happy and I did it:):) Love, Brigitte