Saturday, June 30, 2012

W Birthday party! 一緒にお誕生日会♪

Yay~~! Both mama & I got a birthday desert from the restaurant! I don't like chocolate just like Miyu, so both deserts went to Mama, though! Mama said that she wants me to stay baby forever....:) But, I love growing to a big girl and wanna do everything by myself!! Love, Brigitte

イエ~ィ!ママもブリジットもレストランからお誕生日デザートもらちゃった。でも、ブリジットも未愉ちゃんと一緒でチョコ嫌いだから両方ママへ。。。 ママがね、いつまでも赤ちゃんでいて欲しいって。でもブリジットはどんどん大きくなって自分でいろいろ出来るようになりたいんだよ。ブリジット

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I'm on Stage with Charlotte Diamond! シャーロットダイアモンドと一緒にステージで合唱。

We went to Charlotte Diamond concert! Although there were many people there, Kristie (Peyton's mom) was selected to go up on the stage and so were we! Miyu, Peyton, Avery and I were picked go up on the stage to sing "each of us is a flower!" with her!! We had a blast! Love, Brigitte


Swing with Miyu! 未愉ちゃんとブランコの2人乗り☆

Holay! I got on Miyu's shoulders and ride a swing with her! It was so much fun!! We tried other way around, but didn't work....hehehe. Love, Brigitte


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Yes, I'm still a monkey! 今でもお猿さんだよっ★

 Since I was so little, I was so good at climbing!! I can pretty much climb everywhere and have a great balance! I used to called "monkey Brigitte" and I'm still now a monkey!! Hehehe. Love, Brigitte


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Wii Dance! ウィーダンス★

Boy, I wasn't shy at all! Miyu's friend Hikari & her family was over at our house and we started dancing with Wii Dance! I was the first one to start with Hikari and had a blast!! It was fun! Love, Brigitte


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Blast Father's day! 最高の父の日♪

Happy Father's day! We had fun morning together with Vaugn's family &Peyton's family! We were so happy to play with our friends from the morning and parents looked happy to get to drink champange from the morning!! In the afternoon, we went to the park and then had a relaxed evening at home! It was a great daddy's day! Papa also loved our homemade cards!  Love, Brigitte

ハッピーファーザーズデー♪  ヴァンの家族&ぺートンの家族と一緒に素敵な朝を過ごしたよ。私達は朝から遊べて、パパ&ママ達は朝からシャンパンを飲めて上機嫌★ 午後からは公園で遊んで夕方はおうちでまったりすごしたんだあ。素敵な父の日になったよ。そうそう、私達の手作りの父の日カードも気に入ってくれてよかったあ。ブリジット

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Viggo's Pool B-day Party!ヴィゴのプールパーティ♪

Happy B-day Viggo! Your pool b-day party was awesome! I had a blast in the water! The pool party is the best! Love, Brigitte


Friday, June 15, 2012

Will miss our teachers! 先生達とのお別れ寂しいよ。。

With our teachers!! Ms. Mai, Shima & Natsuki!! And... with former Suika students including Miyu! Love, Brigitte

 大好きな先生達とパシャッ!まい先生、しま先生、そしてなつき先生と♪ それから、元すいか幼稚園生と(もちろん未愉ちゃんも!)。

Suika Perfomance Day! すいか発表会&終業式☆

Today was our year end performance day! Went up in the stage and sing & dance! I was having so much fun singing "rainbow" song by moving my whole body right to left!! Love, Brigitte


Jump, Jump &Jump ! ジャーンプ☆

Let's Jump more! Rinku & I love jumping into the pool and we did over and over!! Thanks to Rinku, I had a blast afternoon at Rinku's house!! Thank you! Love, Brigitte


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Miyu's Friends! 未愉のお友達☆

Mom & I went to pick up Miyu & her friends from their school. They often come to our house on Friday for playdate! Since today is Thursday and I didn't have school,  I got to play with them, too! They are so nice to me! Love, Brigitte                    

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mini Hair Cut! プチヘアカット♪

Since our bangs were getting so long, my mom cut them for us tonight! Now, they are not poking my eyes and feel good!! Love, Brigitte


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Practicing my bike! 自転車の練習★

I'm still practicing riding my bike faster! Once I get faster, I wanna practice riding it without the training wheel like Miyu! Love, Brigitte


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Fun evening at Sora's! 空ちゃんのお家で楽しい夜☆

It was so much fun to visit Sora's house for fun night BBQ as well as smore! We played & played without forgetting our bed time:) Love, Brigitte
