Sunday, February 23, 2014

A cute piggy! かわいい豚さん♪

As much as Finley & I had fun touching lizard & snakes, we enjoyed playing with Piggy!!  He was just sooooo cute!! It was such a fun & exciting b-day party for Avery! Love, Brigitte


Friday, February 21, 2014

American school is fun! アメリカの学校は面白いね!

We got to go school with funny hair today! What a fun event at school!! Love, Brigitte


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Big Bear Mt. again! またまたビッグベアー☆ 

We came here two weekends in a row! I really enjoy skiing and can't wait till weekend....! Today was my 4th time:):) Hope to go one more in this season! Love, Brigitte


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Papa is a good chef! パパもお料理上手だよ!

Papa is also a good cook! Since mom cooked Valentine's dinner yesterday, he cooked it for us today! He made yummy Indian food with four courses - deep flied Cauliflower appetizer, Mango salad, curry & rice and strawberry desert! They were all beautiful! Good job, papa! Love, Brigitte


Friday, February 14, 2014

Be my Valentine! 私のスカイ君★

I made a card for him, and brought it to his house along with a chocolate marble cake mom prepared for me! In return, he gave me a flower and the bracelet with his & my name on it!!  We had a good day!! Love, Brigitte


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Back to the mountain! またまた雪山へ!

Back to the mountain!! This time we went there with Sophie, Sky, Kanae and their families! Kanae & I are going faster and faster! Totally loving it! Love, Brigitte


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I can do this all day! ずっと写真撮ってられる♪

I totally enjoyed making many different poses! Though Ashley got tired, I was doing this forever!!  how do I look? Am I a good model? Love, Brigitte


Valentine's photo shoots with Ashley! アッシュリーとバレンタイン写真撮影♪

Thanks to Ashley's mom, we had a fun Valentine's photo shoot at her house!  Moms enjoyed as much as we did! Love, Brigitte


Monday, February 3, 2014

Setsubun! 節分☆

Today is setsubun, so I made my Eho maki (big sushi roll) and ate it while praying.  I threw beans at Miyu to get rid of her sickness.  Then, Miyu threw them at me for ....???  I also threw them toward outside to take all the negativities in the house away!  Love, Brigitte


Feild Trip! ミニ社会見学☆

Our class got to go on a filed trip to the science center!  We had such a cool experienced there! I enjoy riding the school bus, too! Love, Brigitte
